Saturday, March 21, 2009


Shane is getting so big! I don't think he looks like a newborn anymore. He is filling out his 3 month clothes. I think he will be in 3-6 month clothes in another week or two.

I have to say that I really love the Swaddle Me wraps. They worked really well to calm Carson down and help him sleep. We tried them when we first brought Shane home, but they didn't seem to help him sleep so I stopped using them. He had only been sleeping 3 hours at night so I decided to try swaddling him and see if it made a difference. He slept 5 hours last night and 6 hours the night before! He has also been waking up crying during his naps, but since I started swaddling him he will wake up, make a few noises, then go back to sleep. He is such a good baby!

Shane has started smiling! He likes to lay on the floor under the fan and smile. He also smiles when he looks at the letters above his changing table.

1 comment:

Nalley Family said...

The swaddle me wraps changed my life!! We swaddled Abigail until she was 6 months old. I am so glad you are getting some sleep!!